Sunday, February 7, 2010

Habit of PEELING nails?

I DONT BYTE MY NAILS but i peel the white part that grows when i dont even realize it. what i do is take my thumb and on the other hand work at the nail until it peels off. i hate it and i want to be a girl and paint my nails:) please help me fiqure out a way to stop... the main sourse is my thumbs. i need something to Stop my thumbs during the day (at school) at home i have made covers to put over them.. but i cant where those to school. please i am in a desperate need. please take a minute to think of ways to help! NO FAKE NAILS i dont like those at all even though they might help. and i have tried bandiads over my thumbs but i have nautrally sweaty hands so they come of easily(even water proof).Habit of PEELING nails?
i used to do this when i was younger i never bit just peeled. i grew out of it mostly cuz i wanted longer nails so i painted them all the time and it made me want to stop peeling them. dont know if that will work for you...if not try cutting down your thumb nail wayy short so you can't peel the rest of your nails.Habit of PEELING nails?
yah thats just gross, ok u should just not bite them. u say u want to have long nails and painted ones. you can use fake nails and paint them. or you can just paint ur nails and then it will be less tempting to bite them.
i do this all the time especially when im bored lol I find its good to put a coat of clear nail polish on them 2x a week so you cant peel them off as easily....the strengthening nail polish would be good too as they become stronger and aren't prone to breaking
Erm, try nail hardening nail polish to make it tougher to peel off, there's not much you can do aside from being more conscious about it.
I do that too some times. YOu could try sitting on them or painting them and everytime you want to peel them, look at them a nd think how pretty they look and it will be less tempting.
Eww.. just paint your nails every night and then you'll feel less like peeling them?? and eventually theyll grow to normal size.
I do the same thing!!!! I've done it for years, and i also pick my cuticles. i do it without realizing it when im bored or thinking and its sooo annoying. it looks awful!
OMG i used to have the same habit!! i eventually grew out of it by the time i was 13 becaese i made up my mind i wnated long pretty nails. so i painted my short peeled off nails with nail hardener so it was harder to peel them off. if it was hard to peel them i would suddenly notice i was doing it and stopped. try it!!!!! hope i helped.

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