Thursday, February 11, 2010

I have a bad habit...I scratch my thumbs with my own nails so it's like I'm peeling off my skin...?

I really want to stop cuz my thumbs look horrible but I cant, I tried putting band aids but i still rip those off...please anyone, any ideas? or anyone doing the same thing?I have a bad habit...I scratch my thumbs with my own nails so it's like I'm peeling off my skin...?
It sounds like an impulse control problem, called skin picking. It is very similar to trichotillomania or compulsive hair pulling.

If it is becoming bothersome for you or affecting your ability to go about your daily life, you should look into medication and/or therapy. For medication, they often prescribe medications that are also prescribed for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Your scratching is a compulsive behavior that you cannot control, isn't it? But improvement is better if you combine medication with therapy. Behavioral techniques are supposed to be very helpful. Behavioral therapy may include:

Habit Reversal Training (HRT), a four-step process which teaches you awareness of your habits, how to relax, how to breathe and center yourself, and to perform a competing and opposing muscle response.

Stimulus Control, a behavioral treatment that seeks to help sufferers first identify, and then eliminate, avoid, or change the particular activities, environmental factors, mood states, or circumstances that have become associated with, and that trigger picking. The goal here, is to consciously control these triggers that lead to the undesirable behaviors, and to create new non-destructive behaviors.I have a bad habit...I scratch my thumbs with my own nails so it's like I'm peeling off my skin...?
One thing don't cut your nails too short because you can get a infection. Just cut the white parts off your nails! Use lotion for your hands so they are not dry. Hope that helps!
You are pretty! You are Smart! You are as good as any human being on this planet! Now stop scratching your thumbs! Masturbate and or have sex every now and then for goodness sakes!
I scratch the skin around the nail. It's annoying and it hurts, but its by habit.
Eww cut your nails to the point where they have no length and then there willk be nothing to scratch them. Wear gloves. Get your nails done and the acrylic they use is blunt after they are filled to there would be no sharpe ends.
Wear gloves. See a hypnotherapist, or get counselling.

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